The beholding of the light is itself a more excellent and a fairer thing than all the uses of it
Francis Bacon 1561-1626
Is there no other ways for architecture to survive but to stand tall and arrogant?
Kengo Kuma 2004

Heidegger's Topology
Things exist rooted in the flesh (R. S. Thomas)
Being, Place, World
Jeff Malpas. 2008
David Smith : Sprays, The Absent Object. Peter Stevens
Eidetic Image, Nearness/Proximity/Atmosphere
Temporal Structures,
Unthinking Eurocentrism
The Political Writing of Adam Kuper and Tim Ingold
Justin Kenrick. 2011
Pottery, The mindfulness of making social
Anthropological Notebooks 17
The War of Dreams
Exercises in Ethno-Fiction.
Marc Auge
The Culture of The New Capitalism
Richard Sennett.
a film by Godfrey Reggio
The World of The Anthropologist
Marc Auge, Jean-Paul Colleyn. 2006
The Field
The basic methodology of anthropology is ethnography. This is the famous 'fieldwork' in which the researcher shares the daily life of a different culture (remote or close), observes, records, tries to grasp the 'indigenous point of view' and writes.
Objects of Anthropology
Politics is also the art of administrating and producing subjects, citizens.
The Woman in The Dunes
Kobo Abe
Site-Specific Art
Performance, Place and Documentation.
Nick Kaye
Heidegger For Architects
Adam Sharr
Poetically Man Dwells
The Perception of The Environment
Essays in Livelihood, Dwelling and Skill.
Tim Ingold
Hans Coper
Sensations in the Vessel/Innerness
Clay and The Engagements of Mind and Body
Peter Zumthor
Thinking Architecture/ A Way of Looking at Things
Zumthor mirrors Heidegger's celebration of experience and emotion as measuring tools.
The physicality of materials can involve an individual with the world.
The Visual Poetics of Jannis Kounellis
Suzanne Cotter and Andrew Nainre
He translates the painterly relationship of figure and ground into the space of real situations
Kounellis's engagement with the social and historical content and with the material fabric of a given space is critical to his art.
The Castelvecchio in the Opus of Carlo Scarpa
Possibly until very recently Scarpa's work was still judged as anachronistic, small scale and craft intensive.
An Attitude to History, The Drawings, Formal Language,
Technical Specifications of Materials.
What is the relationship between the visual arts and 'performativity'?
Site-Specific Art. Nick Kaye
Wittgenstein : The Duty of Genius
The work of art/aesthetics/ethics seen 'under the form of eternity'
Schopenhauer discusses, in a remarkably similar way, a form of contemplation in which we relinquish 'the ordinary way of considering things', and 'no longer consider the where, the when, the why, and the whither in things, but simply the what'.
Spatial Practices : Thinking Sociologically
'What does it do'?
Oren Lieberman
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