Wednesday, 1 September 2021

The Thinking Hand

"It is precisely where the reach of the imagination meets the friction of materials, or where the forces of ambition rub up against the rough edges of the world, that human life is lived"

The Sighted Watchmaker : Making, Tim Ingold .2013
Anthropology, Archaeology, Art and Architecture.

Joseph Beuys : Table with Accumulator 1958-85

In this work, an accumulator – a kind of rechargeable battery in which energy can be stored - is attached by wires to two pieces of clay, as if drawing power from the earth itself. For Beuys, the production and storage of energy was a metaphor for the creative and spiritual energy that he wanted to foster both in the individual viewer and in society as a whole. This was one of the works that Beuys included in the 1982 Zeitgeist exhibition, accompanying the various elements of Lightning with Stag in its Glare.

TheThinking Hand : Existential and Embodied Wisdom in Architecture.

Juhani Pallasmaa

Collage, fragments from pinhole camera, Atelier of Jean Dominique Fleury, glass work by Pierre Soulages.

Art and Agency : The Evolving Curriculum (axes of coherence/amongst motifs, Alfred Gell )

Without the agency of time and light, there is no record.

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