Monday, 13 September 2021

Relationscapes/Material Flows : infra Body, Personal Relations and Spatial Agency

Slow Philosophy
Reading against the institution

Troubleyn Laboratorium
Jan Fabre

Every colour has its own perspective.
Jenny Saville

Material flows and currents of sensory awareness in which images and objects reciprocally take shape.
Tim Ingold

The Dynamic Real
Vibrant Matter
Jane Bennett

Max Richter
Wayne McGregor
Julian Opie

New Materialisms
Elizabeth Grosz

Diffraction attends to specific material entanglements, a discursive phenomenon that makes the effects of different differences evident.
Performativity, subject and image do not pre-exist as such, but merge through intra-actions. 
Karen Barad

Collage, Superimposition, Bounded and Un-Bounded 

Space and Place
Yi-Fu Tuan

1959 : Patti Smith
Peace and Noise

Lingering at the threshold between word and image
Cy Twombly
Claire Daigle

Although his work resonates strongly with generations of younger artists, ranging from Brice Marden to Richard Prince to Tacita Dean to Patti Smith, it has a general propensity to polarise its audience between perplexity and unbridled admiration.

Certainly, the fortuities of a name are being pushed too far here, but what does Twombly do but offer up words in all of their resonance: literal, metaphoric, corporeal, material? His citations often have the vanitas effect of graffiti: ‘Cy was here’. Lingering at the threshold between word and image, Twombly renders visible those things – experience, emotion, the body’s share – that lie beyond the reach of verbal articulation.

Existential Gestures : Looking away from the sea

Albert Camus : The Plague, 1947. (Penguin Fiction)

The townspeople of Oran are in the grip of a virulent plague.

Cut off from the rest of the world, living in fear, they each respond in their own way to the grim challenge of the deadly bacillus. Among them is Dr Rieux, a humanitarian and healer, and it is through his eyes that that we witness the devastating course of the epidemic.

Written in 1947, just after the Nazi occupation of France, Camus's magnificent novel is also a story of courage and determination against the arbitrariness and seeming absurdity of human existence.

'Camus represents a particularly modern type of temperament, a mystic soul in a Godless universe, thirsty for the absolute, forever rebellious against the essential injustice of the human condition'
Shusha Guppy, Sunday Times

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