Sunday, 19 September 2021

Studio Workings/Hidden Orderings : Making from Scattered Attention/Undifferentiation.


Cooper's 'Objects' of thinking are not objects, but that which goes beyond objects. It is not the objects that resist meaning (as we have seen they are full of meaning) but what goes beyond objects.

Peripheral Vision


The act of relating is analysed as a constitutive feature of human agency. Relating is viewed as a continuous work of connecting and disconnecting in a fluctuating network of existential events.

Robert Cooper

The Hidden Order of Art. Anton Ehrewzwey

Anglian Potters
Members Profile

Studied Ceramics at Epsom School of Art and Design from 81-84. Worked in a number of studios including Grayshott Pottery and Dexterity Crafts. Working methods include thrown/altered/slab built forms, kilns generally self constructed, experimental and portable. Previous work has been slab built architectural forms fired at stoneware temperatures. Recent pots are hand thrown, low fired Raku with delicate fragile rims. Own practice explores interests in Architecture/Lighting and thinking with the vessel as a contemplative/activist form. Interested in the sculptural qualities of the vessel/pot to explore making/material. Informed by contemporary arts, sculpture and architecture. Teaching experience in Fine Art and Ceramics.

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