Sunday, 28 July 2019

Alternative Photography : Spaces between/Aesthetics between Things

White Noise : Nocturnes of Silence/Stars

Standing Stone (Avebury)

Cyanotype. Figure/Ground

Fake Fish Kobo Abe

DSC_4474 Kounellis Text/Annotations

White Noise : Nocturnes of Silence

Terrestrial Movements  : #2  Solar Spore.

Transparency,time and matter #2

P1213401 red photogram.

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Monday, 20 May 2019

Archive Sampling : Between Media, Flickr Photography

The Politics of Architecture : Theorizing through speculative spatial practices.

"He rubbed his eyes. The riddle of his surroundings was confusing but his mind was quite clear - evidently his sleep had  benefited him. He was not in a bed at all as he understood the word, but lying naked on a very soft and yeilding mattress, in a trough of dark glass. The mattress was partly transparent, a fact he observed with a sense of insecurity, and below it was a mirror reflecting him greyly. Above his arm- and he saw with a shock that his skin was strangely dry and yellow - was bound a curious apparatus of rubber, bound so cunningly that it seemed to pass into his skin above and below. And this bed was placed in a case of greenish-coloured glass (as it seemed to him), a bar in the white framework of which had first arrested his attention. In the corner of the case was a stand of glittering and delicately made apparatus, for the most part quite strange appliances, though a maximum  and minimum thermometer was recognizable."

H. G. Wells : The Sleeper Awakes. 1899/1910

Spatiality : The Spatial Turn, Robert T. Tally Jr. 2013

Immediate Architectural Interventions, Durations and Effects : Apparatuses, Things and People in the Making of the City and the World. Alberto Altes Arlandis, Oren Lieberman. 2013

Preface (1921) ” The great city of this story is no more than a nightmare of Capitalism triumphant, a nightmare that was dreamt a quarter of a century ago. It is a fantastic possibility no longer possible. Much evil may be in store for mankind, but to this immense, grim organization of servitude, our race will never come” H.G. Wells. EastonGlebe, Dunmow,1921.

The Poetics of Space. Gaston Bachelard.
The classic look at how we experience intimate places.

The Eroded Steps. Giuseppe Penone.
Dean Clough Contour Lines.

Land Drawings, Installations, Excavations. Kate Whiteford.

Remote Sensing. Colin Renfrew.

DSC_4406, Augury Vessel ( re-presentation) : Material on Photograph
Veiled Melancholy/Book Narratives : Film Collages. #3
Collage : Architectural Blueprint and Historical Garment (detail)
Pinhole Photograph (1019) Analogue Processes / Material Memory
Architectural Contents : Dewey, Winchester Library #1
Reverberations from excavated land #1
DSC_8513 Field Aesthetics/Between Processes

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Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Aesthetics and the Spatial : Sensual Things of Light and Gravity

Immaterial Architectures
Painting/Form for Reading Spaces/Intervals
Pattern and Chaos/Liminality/Tectonics
Architectural surface for a Library,  raw materials, light, silence and solitude.

Christopher Wilmarth ; Poetics/Duality of Light and gravity
Other Architecture
Constructing Metaphysical Space

Wilmarth's art reveals his essential concern with the mystical and physical properties of light, especially the ways in which light evokes reverie and generates sensations of space and containment.

The Architecture of Natural Light : Henry Plummer

Orchestration of light to mutate through time

Intensity and integrity of Wilmarth's practice/vision.

Choreography of light/moving eye

Refraction of light/diaphanous film

Wilmarth made possibly his strongest, most beautiful works on paper, exploring a new level of expression while retaining continuity with past work.

Sifting of light/through a porous screen

These drawings also contain allusions to the human presence. Their haunting, foreboding quality is prefigured in the grave, austere tones of some of the glass and steel structures.

Channelling of light/through a hollow mass

The duality of light and shadow and contrasts between abstraction and representation continue to be central concerns in his final drawings.

Suffusion of light with a unified mood

Wilmarth's sculptures from the early 1980's are influenced by the poetry of Stephane Mallarme.To affirm Mallarme's emphasis on the spiritual, the artist used a simple ovoid form, evoking a multitude of symbols, including the human head. These ovoids were made of blown glass, which Wilmarth viewed as "frozen breath". The artist pursued this figurative impulse into the mid 1980s, combining the anthropomorphic ovoid shapes with the larger abstract forms of his earlier sculpture.

Materialization of light in physical matter

Wilmarth composed with planes of delicate colour and light, placing plates of blackened steel behind translucent sheets of etched glass imbued with a luminous, greenish cast.

"He employed a painterly technique that emphasized the tactility and fichness of his materials, which like an alchemist he persistently sought to transform. He continually examined the concept of duality: contrasts between light and shadow, transparency and opacity, heaviness and weightlessness, materiality  and ethereality, form and spirit are repeatedly presented; the synthesis of geometric with organic forms, the range between abstraction and representation are constantly explored."
Laura Rosenstock, catalogue essay.

White Noise : Nocturnes of Silence

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Monday, 25 February 2019

At The Potters Wheel : Clay Workings

Clay Work : Visceral Practices
Pastoral Space: Material, Inquiry and Craft
Art and Agency : The Evolving Curriculum (axes of coherence/amongst motifs, Alfred Gell )
Studio Space,The Yard 2, Winchester.

A Potter's Book: Bernard Leach

Art and Agency, an anthropological theory.
Alfred Gell

Material Agency : Carl Knappett, Lambros Malafouris
Visualising Environmental Agency

Agents are defined as persons or things, which have the ability and intention to "cause" something in the vicinity or in the mileau to happen ( Gell 1998)
These latter artefacts are described with the term "index", to remove the appellation "art" and to imply that they are indexes of agency.
Some Stimulating Solutions, Andrew Cochrane.

1000 "pots" performative site 2011. The Yard, Winchester.
At The Potters Wheel, Pinhole Photography/Collage

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