Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Dwelling in Brockwood/Kilquhanity : Drawing isn't a matter of tools but perception-a form of engagement.

Outpost 140223

Matters of Concern.

Starting conditions for responsible and curiosity driven engagements with the world. 

Creative entanglements in a world of materials.


Improvisation is drawing.

Drawing isn't a matter of tools but perception-a form of engagement.

Roni Horn.

Kilquhanity Free School.

Mission statement to enjoy childhood.

Kilquhanity promotes a playful difference amongst the locality.

Back To Freeschool : Drawing Out Of The Archive.

At Freeschool I turned a dwelling place into both a site of introspection and a social construction.

By living together as a social group, learning by the practical 'doing' from which to extract a sense of practical wisdom.

Useful work, promotes a sense of being amongst the social group, of an equality of joined forces for the benefit of Kilquhanity.

Kids encouraged to build camps around the grounds, personal and inter-personal temporary structures that reinforce our sense of 'passing through'.

Kilquhanity seems to suit the individual with confidence and those with good social skills, Architects, Film Makers, Craftspeople, others have found it difficult to rejoin society.

Brockwood Park School

Our consciousness is not actually yours or mine, it is the consciousness of humanity evolved, grown, accumulated through many, many centuries, when one realises this our responsibility becomes extraordinarily important.

J. Krishnamurti.

Projective Speculations, through questioning and research, asking ourselves, how are our intraventions capable of generating previously non-existent possibilities or ideas?

How can architectural projections become tools for engagement in the actual transformation of the world, and to what extent can they be tools for thinking as well as for the articulation, interrogation, and challenging of discourse.

Intraventions in live situations are the main form of engagement, we take part from the inside, in the construction and articulation of 'sites'. We do this by using expanded conditioned, ecologies, localities and actors within a phenomenon in which we operate 'an architecting' as responsibly as possible.

Oren Lieberman, Alberto Altes.

Raveningham Site Visit/Walking in the Landscape.


The Choreographic Object in The Lanscape.

Land/Demarcations/Spaces/Occurrences with others

Filtered light pieces/land markers

Field Studies/Gathering/Dwelling/Reading/Light/Time/Media

A Phenomenal Lens.

Water/glass dishes/construction, floating/submerged objects/.Cyanotype Print.

Sculptural Array/Sky Watcher/Imaginative Spaces.

Apparatus for Solargraphy.


Hungate Study Day.

Corporeal Annotations.


Water/Light/Architecture/Vessel/Place/Canvas/Filtered Light/Ceramic/Clay

Undercroft Norwich.

Plaster/Slab Components/Assemblages/Forms

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