Friday, 17 February 2023

Panspermia 2010/Banga, Patti Smith : Layered Drawings/Silent readings/diagrams/ceramics of imaginary space

Patti Smith - After The Gold Rush - Banga, 2012 (A Neil Young Song).

Reading : Slow Philosophy

With Fire, Richard Hirsch
A Life Between Chance and Design (invites the unknown)
Scott Meyer 2012
Hirsch takes us to the heart of the interface between ageless earth and the spare evidence of the rhythm of human utility 

Raku as an Ideology

Raku, A Review of Contemporary Work
Tim Andrews 1994

The Poetry of The Vessel
A calm invitation to thought and imagination
Chris Tyler

The vessel (making, thinking, subject) as both a historically grounded form, and a vehicle to examine abstract aspects of the physical body and the natural world

Arte Povera/Germano Celant, an aesthetic-philosophical movement
An eclectic synthesis of knowledge fields, that emerges into a total space where disparate categories can meet; a art that asks only for the essential information, that refuses the dialogue with the social and cultural system, and aspires to present itself as something sudden and unforeseen

Materials are substances in becoming
Karen Barad

Towards an Ecology of Materials
Tim Ingold 2012

From the 'objectness' of things to the material flows and formative processes wherein they come into being. It means to think of making as a process of growth or ontogenesis

Materials-Centered Perspective

Making, almost defies precise definition
The composition and/or manipulation of materials that bring into being new or revised objects
Tim Ingold 2010

Cultures of thrift and scavenging, maintenance and repair
Making encompasses the ingenuity of fluid, locally situated and adapted technologies

Materials carry on overtaking the formal destinations that, at one time or another, have been assigned to them

Sensibilities and dispositions that are centred on a deep and considered relationship with materials
The Craftsman, Richard Sennett 2008

Crafting, often reconnects mind and body in the sites and processes of production, thereby potentially reconstituting labour processes in ways that ascribe agency to workers

Makers finding ways to resist norms of gender and neoliberal entrepreneurial subjectivities, finding ways and spaces for ethical practice to predominate

Contemporary conceptual ceramics operates at the permeable boundary between art and craft, partaking of aspects of both, and ultimately demonstrating (or performing) that permeability

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