Sunday, 26 February 2023

Sensing Places : Dwelling/Making/Attention/Environments

Russell Moreton
Artist Statement 2023

Spatial practitioner employing a  speculative site based practice linking visual fine art, education, architecture and philosophy. Interested in duration and experience, repetition and improvisation, together with intuitive working methods that are local and quotidian. 

Architectural Body
Awareness that repetitions and rituals can give meaning to existence.

Giving Sensation Place.
An Education Of Attention.
Creative Curriculum Making.

Developing a creative inquiry and its presentation through generative art based methodologies.
Re-imagining learning through site based education, art practices and philosophy.

The construction of working drawings/sites that are themselves habitable and that capture insist moments of mark making and subjectivity.

Installing a creative practice as a 'place driven site' for subjective experience, gathering things and personal inquiry from which to present 'findings' into the social environment.

As a contemporary practitioner operating within the Arts and Architecture, I am interested in social apparatuses and agents that explore the possibilities of place based relations. 

For Tim Ingold, life is the very process wherein forms are generated and held in place.
And dwelling means that the forms people build, whether in the imagination or on the ground arise within the current of their involved activity in the specific relational contexts of their practical engagement with their surroundings.
Tim Ingold, Lines. 2007

Key Words: Site Based Inquiry, Post Studio Practice, Education, Fine Art, Spatial Practice, Philosophy, Presentation, Exhibition, Workshops, Research Led, Exploratory Processes, Curriculum, Placemaking, Sensing, Architecture, Circulation, Subjectivity, Relationscapes, Dwelling, Inhabitation, Environment, Landscape, Person, Organism,

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