Wednesday, 1 February 2023

Architectural Light : Drawing into the photographic process

When you make photograms, without the use of a camera, you can indeed call that abstract photography, as the lens and the corresponding registration medium are lacking. No longer do you have pictures of reality or objects; you only have their shadows. It is a bit like Plato’s cave, where one could only imagine reality; the objects themselves were not visible.

Thomas Ruff

Found Objects : Archaeological Photogram

Drawings : Speculative Constructions in Photography

Deleuze claimed that he did not write “about” art, literature, or cinema, but, rather, undertook philosophical “encounters” that led him to new concepts.  As a constructivist, he was adamant that philosophers are creators, and that each reading of philosophy, or each philosophical encounter, ought to inspire new concepts. Additionally, according to Deleuze and his concepts of difference, there is no identity, and in repetition, nothing is ever the same.  Rather, there is only difference: copies are something new, everything is constantly changing, and reality is a becoming, not a being.




Drawing into the photographic process

Poche/Niche : The shaped presence between two surfaces/volumes

Reading Rooms : Waverley Project

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