Sunday, 14 April 2024

Celestial Architecture/Skyspaces/Serenity/Re-Animating Thought.

Outpost 190923

Matter and materials that create the potential to act. 


Light supply's the raw material for consciousness and its perception. 

The structural frame as generator of architectural form.

Vitruvius implies that the geometric forms of both the  Colchians and the Phrygians primitive houses are the consequence of direct operation with physical objects, rather than the abstractions that pre-existed in the mind of the builder.

Space/Structure/Light/Performativity/Physical Participation and Play.

Tate St Ives. 2011

Profound but intimate subjective evocations/assemblages of space and time.

Prototypes for Sculpture.

Model for Spheric Theme. 1937

Naum Gabo.

These prototypes give a unique insight into his working process, one in which he employed a playful intuition and childlike, hands-on approach to the development of what were often extraordinarily complex and apparently 'manufactured' forms.

Concetto Spaziale/Spatial Concept 1962

Lucio Fontana.

Buchi Works by Lucio Fontana are characterised by holes or punctures through various surfaces. By opening up these surfaces, Fontana introduces another dimension to his work, one of space, depth and time. In their almost infinite variation and difference, as well as their primal simplicity, they seem to approach something both fundamental and universal. 

Celestial Architecture.

Architecture Without Architects.

Bernard Rudofsky.

Among abstract architecture, some of the most imposing examples stand in Jaipur, India. They are gigantic astronomical instruments built in the eighteenth century to the plans of Maharajah Sawai Jai Singh 11.Their purpose was to achieve greater accuracy of astronomical data than that available from portable brass instruments. Since they never lived up to expectations, they represent that rare instance of pure, or nearly pure, architecture of a functionless kind.

Oxfam, Madeleine Street, Norwich. 

Aesthetics of Installation Art, Juliane Rebentisch.

Situation, Documents of Contemporary Art, Claire Doherty.

Deer Shelter Skyspace, James Turrell.

The layering of traces where the reader can find the intricacy of memory and imagination.

Rethinking The Animate.

Re-Animating Thought.

Tim Ingold. 2006

Contemporary western cultures have created our estrangement to nature, which has been established by the spiritual and religious ascendency of humankind over nature, and by the rational dissociation of the human intellect from the organic world. 

European civilizations neglect of the natural world and its needs has clearly been encouraged by a style of awareness that disparages sensorial reality denigrating the visible and tangible order of things on behalf of some absolute source, assumed to exist entirely beyond, or outside of, the bodily world.

Spell of The Sensuous, David Abram.

Cosmic Serenity/Solitude.

A Mind Attuned to the Intimate Garden.

In a culture exhausted and irreparably fragmented, the walls surrounding Luis Barragan's gardens are, perhaps one of the last defences to preserve centuries of thought and emotion.

On Nomadology.

Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari. 1980


Deterritorialized Spaces.

The nomad has a territory; he follows customary paths; he goes from one point to another; he is not ignorant of points (water points, dwelling points, assembly points, etc.). But the question is what in nomad life is a principle and what is only a consequence. To begin with, although the points determine paths, they are strictly subordinated to the paths they determine, the reverse of what happens with the sedentary. The water point is reached only in order to be left behind; every point is a relay and exists only as a relay.

A path is always between two points, but the in-between has taken on all the consistency and enjoys  both an autonomy  and a direction of its own. The life of the nomad is the intermezzo. Even the elements of his dwelling are conceived in terms of the trajectory that is forever mobilizing them. 

The nomad is not at all the same as the migrant; for the migrant goes principally from one point to another, even if the second point is uncertain, unforeseen, or not well localized. But the nomad goes from point to point only as a consequence and as a factual necessity; in principle, points for him are relays along a trajectory.


James Turrell.

The sky is no longer out there, but is right on the edge of the space you are in. The sense of colour is generated inside you. If you then go outside you will see a different coloured sky. You colour the sky. 

In working with light, what is really important to me is to create an experience of wordless thought. The Deer Shelter is one of only a handful of private and public Skyspaces in Britain, including Cat Cairn, Kielder Forest in Northumberland.

Across the world Turrell has realised around forty temporary and permanent Skyspaces, although the Deer Shelter is one of very few that have been formed from an existing historic structure.

Drawing/Diagram/Script as a gesture of propulsion into the world.

Emotional Sensibility/Selective Intuition.

Making with the Inner Tensions of Each Element.


On Sonority.

Art and Technique.

Marcel Moyse. 

Spatial Distinctions/Piercings and their Movements.

In and Out of Material/Traces and Trails.

Interstices/Voids, Surfaces, Ceramic Forms, Black and White Slip over Terracotta.

Templates,Setting Bocks, Prototypes, Geometry Sets, Monoprints, Boxes.

Use of experimental photographic techniques and new materials through invention and application.

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