Outpost 270125
The Complex Process of Knowledge Production.
The Narrative of Theoretical 'Unravelling'.
What Is An Artist?
Irit Rogoff. 2006
Robert Morris
Catalogue Entries.
Columns, 1961
Passageway, 1961
Box For Standing, 1961
Portals, 1961
Box With The Sound Of Its Own Making, 1961
Early Minimalism
Measurement, 1963
Imprints And Body Casts, 1963-64
Site, 1964
Leads, 1971
Felts, 1967-83
Dirt, 1968
Continuous Project Altered Daily, 1969
Observatory, 1971-77
Rubbings, 1972
Sensations between objective knowledge, difference and truth.
Post-structuralism, A very Short Introduction.
Catherine Belsey.
The Architecture of Emergence.
The Evolution Of Form In Nature And Civilisation.
Michael Weinstock.
The Architecture Of Continuity.
Lars Spuybroek.
The Body.
The Lived Body.
The Flesh of Things
Donn Welton
Written On The Body.
The World and Other Stories.
Jennette Winterson.
Painting for Bacon was a visceral event a sensation, driven by emergent behaviours and phenomena.
Ceramic spatial inceptions with circulating totems.
Slab built, Stoneware. 2025
Tentative/Theoretical/Speculative Landing Sites.
Between Organism-Person-Environment and its Spatial/Architectural Body.
Stefan Fichtel
Well-made animated information graphics are based on clear decisions about what matters and what should be left out.
Human Body/Indexical Trace on dot-matrix paper.
The Centrality of The Human Body to Architecture.
Undone/Assemblages of Concern.
Collage as the third aesthetic.
Ranciere argues for collage as 'third' aesthetic: it can combine two relations and play on the line of indiscernability, between forces of sense's legibility, and the force of non-sense's strangeness.
The Dark Monarch.
Magic and Modernity in British Art. 2010
The Bricoleur/sweeping the floor/movements in matter/spatial layering, thought in motion.
Embodying Emotion Sensing Space:
Introducing emotional geographies.
Joyce Davidson, Christine Milligan. 2004
Studio Floor Material.
The Artist's Reality
Philosophies of Art
Mark Rothko.
Culture, Creativity and Environment.
New Environmentalist Criticism.
Fiona Becket, Terry Gifford.
Ecology Without Nature.
Towards a Theory of Ecological Criticism.
Timothy Morton.
Visual Ecology
Transparency : Expressing the Unseen.
Transparency-the ability to see into and understand the inner workings of a landscape-is an absolutely essential ingredient to sustainability. In a world where more and more of the technology controlling our lives is not only beyond our individual control but is also invisible and incomprehensible to the average person, the landscape sreves not only as the foundation for our only genuine 'tangible' reality, but as the only mechanism by which we can really know where we are-and how and why as well. It can be argued that as humans we have a right to know where we are, how we are connected, and how we are doing.
Gray World, Green Heart.
Robert L. Thayer, Jr.
Julia Kristeva
Black Sun.
Depression and Melancholia.
Susan Sontag
Under the Sign of Saturn
After Hiroshima
elin o'Hara slavick
On Pictures and the words that fail them.
On An Image Of A Bottle
James Elkins
A Field Guide to Melancholy
Melancholy and The Landscape
Locating Sadness, memory and reflection in the landscape.
Jacky Bowring
Who Comes after the Subject?
The essays collected in this volume present the current research of nineteen contemporary French philosophers on one of the great motifs of modern philosophy: the critique or the deconstruction of subjectivity.
Eduardo Cadava, Peter Connor, Jean-Luc Nancy.
The Enchantment Of Modern Life.
Attachments, Crossings, and Ethics.
Jane Bennett
Ordinary Lives.
Studies in the Everyday.
Ben Highmore.
Everyday/Quotidian Aesthetics.
Ranciere is perhaps the contemporary writer most alive to the productive and necessary confusion between aesthetics as a general field describing the realm of sensate perception, and the more limited meaning relevant to the field of art that has taken shape in the West in the last two hundred or so years. And it is this confusion (a confusion that infuses both the general and the limited economy of aesthetics) that we can find the materials to help us build a quotidian aesthetics.
The Politics of Aesthetics.
The Distribution of the Sensible
Jacques Ranciere.
Emergent behaviours/phenomena to generate buildings.
Screen-shot CCTV.
Fire exit intervention WSA. 2008
The Centrality of the Human Body to Architecture.
Framing/Temporal Containment/Instances and Immediacies : Human Bodies/Spatial Bodies.