Saturday, 22 July 2023

Material Discursive Practices : The Edge its borders and boundaries : Richard Sennett

Diffraction, as a physical phenomena and a tool for analysis that attunes us to ongoing differences of the worlds continous becoming.

A Diffractive Methodology/Performativity
Knowledge Making Processes
The Agency of/and Cutting Together/Apart
Agency is doing/being in its intra-activity

Performing phenomena entails investigations of the material-discursive boundary-making practices that produce 'objects' and 'subjects', and other differences out of, and in terms of, a changing relationality.

A phenomena is a specific intra-action of an 'object'; and the 'measuring agencies'; the objectand the measuring agencies emerge from, rather than precede, the intra-action that produces them.
Karen Barad

The central idea is that 'the thing' 'we' research, is enacted in entantanglement with 'the way' we research it.
Agencies emerge with specific qualities, this means that we might recognize agency in different forms as relations, movements, repetitions, silences, distances, architecture, structures, feelings, things, us/them/it, words 
Sofie Sauzet, Phenomena-Agential Realism

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