Friday, 28 July 2023

Reverberations of Reverie : Architecture as the source of insights.

 Outpost  170623

Private Stillness/Palpability/Tectonics

Architecture as the source of insights.

We exit the expected bounds of time and enter space.

Reverberations of Reverie

Gaston Bachelard.

Stretto House.

Two sequences of an aqueous space that creates a connecting point.

Rooms are flooded to reveal their prior emptiness or our inability to occupy them.


Perception At Its Limits.

Perception that must exceed the location of the body and enter the wider space that has no limits.

Weight persists in his work as a knowable presence.

Deceleration : A Collapse of Plastic Space.

Attributes are revealed via the slow occupation of use, in which new spaces are generated as frames are withdrawn and the space is imploding/collapsing/decelerating.

Steven Holl consistently reaffirms the interiority of each work, showing us a city of atomized lives, interiors, and private stillness. 

The internal core of a room is a reverie.

Bachelard in The Poetics of Space suggests that at the core of a rooms emptiness is a space derived not from the bounding closure of its walls, but from its deep, but absent source of palpable energy.

By the way of the body, lyrical explorations of space/surface relations.

The body creates situations with or without others.

Certainly a sense of melancholy is in this work, but ultimately I think it is a sense of weighted and corporeal subjectivity that is implied here, a form of reverie.

Spatial definition is ordered by angles of perception.

An architecture based in perception at its limit

Parallax is the dynamic change in spatial volumes due to the moving position of the body as it experiences space. The house is not an object, it is experienced in a dynamic relationship with the terrain, the angle of approach, the sky, and through light in which it creates a focus  on the internal axes of movement.

The change in the arrangement of surfaces, defining space due to the change in position of a viewer is the essence of parallax.

Steven Holl. 

It is the precision of Holl's formal work and his tectonics that give these spaces their amazing palpability. But like Hejduk, it is his teaching and his writing, and the degree to which his architecture is the source of his insights that is of most value. It is his concept of space that precedes all work written or architectural, and it is the effect of this space and the means by which it is ultimately perceived.

Sensing Spaces

Architecture Reimagined.

Royal Academy of Arts. 2014

Presence : The Light Touch of Architecture.

Philip Ursprung.

The heart of this exhibition is the interaction between three factors: the nature of physical spaces, our perception of them, and their evocative power.

Kate Goodwin.


A definition may be very exact, and yet go but a very little way towards informing us of the nature of the thing defined.

Edmund Burke.

An introduction on taste in A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origins of our Ideas of the Sublime and  Beautiful. 1759

Architecture has a more direct influence on our lives than any other art form, but its ability to affect how we think, feel and interact is often overlooked. To explore the impact of built space on our lived experience, the royal academy has invited architects from around the world to create immersive installations for a groundbreaking exhibition.

Sensing Spaces : Architecture Reimagined, sets out to redefine what an architectural exhibition might be. Instead of displaying drawings, models and photographs to illustrate an architect's work and ideas, Sensing Spaces offers visitors the opportunity to engage with architecture directly and to experience bit through their bodies and senses. Individually and together the exhibition and its works raises intriguing questions about the boundaries between art and architecture, the human qualities of space, and the role buildings play in shaping our lives.

Steven Holl argues for an architecture informed by a phenomenological interrogation in which he sees architecture as a dynamic process where by we constantly reinvent our relationship to the world of the senses, including our sense of time and space.

Architects and artists create in an attempt to make people perceive, to make something visible.

The house as a vessel, as an instrument of experience for time, light and place. As a poetic potential to speak of something other, a language and a relative autonomy that grounds or precedes the architecture.

Building transcends physical and functional requirements by fusing with a place.

The site of a building is more than a mere ingredient in the conception of architecture, it is its physical and metaphysical foundation.

Architecture through building is bound to a situation, a construction that is intertwined with the experience of a place.

House : Black Swan Theory.


Steven Holl.

Clay/Raw Oxides/Biscuit Fired/Mirror/Water

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