On The Experiential Level of Life
Investigating/Expanding 'The Spatial/Sculptural'
Space over Time/Operative Design
Space over Time/Operative Design
Tony Cragg
Tony Cragg : I basically mean the effectiveness of the object, of the material. But because the metaphysical and physical association are already occupied, I'm interested in somehow establishing some relationship with the materials and the things around me without using any preconceived notions of an already occupied language. It is a bit like taking away a Christian name and depersonalising something. What I mean is that it's an attempt on my side to restart the relationship with the material, which I think sculptors have to do anyway.
Jon Wood : Thinking of the increased awareness that this side of your work tries to capture and harness in the viewer, can you say a bit about the kind of sensitivities that you would like to be heightened? What would you see your work as demonstrations of and for? Your sculptures are triggers for what kind of thinking?
Tony Cragg : Well there is an attitude to looking at things and to looking at objects and materials which is based on a meditative tradition of contemplation : the universe in a grain of sand idea, or maybe even religious ideas where you actually get in contact on some level with the material world, on a deeper level than the one you obviously are capable of reaching in an everyday situation, so on an extraordinary level, outside of your own experiences.
I am not saying that that's not interesting or important. But I also think that this leaves the battleground for the everyday life to be governed by non-contemplative thought and non-meditative thought. And this may sound like a mixture of terms, but I think that there is a job to be done even on an everyday, “second for second” level of life—on the experiential level of life. I think there is a job to be done here improving the quality of contemplation about an awareness of the material world—the material world seen as an immediate extension of the communal social effort, the cultural effort that you are part of.
Jon Wood : How does it move from being an individual contemplative experience to being one that has a communal relevance?
Tony Cragg : In the main part it only has communal relevance. All you can do for yourself is formulate your sentences, cook yourself a meal that suits you, get dressed in a fashion that suits you, and everything else you have to put up with as having been made by other people for you. But obviously, even if they didn't ask your permission, there's something consensual about that, isn't there? Even though you don't like it, it doesn't look like you're making an effort to change it. And maybe there's some active thing there. My idea is that even if I don't like it, I wouldn't be able to change a great deal of it, but I could sow the seed for some change in the direction that I would feel would be important. It's a measure of how much responsibility one takes for the change. Looking for more in the visual world around me and looking for more language, in a sense, is one way of heightening sensibilities and expanding a vocabulary and then expanding the responses to a vocabulary is a way of heightening sensibilities. I'm not a politician, but I think we still live in a world that is greatly dominated by mesmerism and mystical models, which are very distracting because they actually stop us from really trying to face reality.

Objects/Subjects in Space : Passages in Sculpture
To serve as a
fundamental tool for spatial and architectural interpretation
Spatial operations,
illustrated beginnings to activate architectural inquiry.
This catalogue thus
introduces the possibility of understanding spatial formation as a
process that can be derived from fundamental actions, here grouped
into volumetric addition, subtraction, or displacement, which define
a lexicon of starting points for the creation of space and also imply
the relationship between oneself and the space created.
to | Expand | Extrude |
Inflate | Branch | Merge | Nest | Offset | Bend | Skew | Split |
Twist | Interlock | Intersect | Lift | Lodge | Overlap | Rotate |
Shift | Carve | Compress | Fracture | Grade | Notch | Pinch | Shear |
Taper | Embed | Extract | Inscribe | Puncture |
Space matters. We read
our physical environment like we read a human face.
The Eyes Of The Skin
Architecture and the
Juhani Pallasmaam
Steven Holl
How to set the stage
for creative collaboration
Scott Doorley, Scott
Witthoft, David Kelley
Surface + Volume
Generative Process
Combinations and
Writing and Seeing
Christian de
Portzamparc, Philippe Sollers
In and Out of material : Passages in Sculpture

In and Out of material : Passages in Sculpture

to | Inscribe +
Inscribe | Intersect + Intersect | Split + Split | Embed + Embed |
Taper + Taper | Bend + Bend | Branch + Branch | Shift + Shift | Notch
+ Notch | Inscribe + Intersect | Intersect + Split | Split + Embed |
Embed + Taper | Taper + Bend | Bend + Branch | Branch + Expand |
Expand + Shift | Shift + Notch | Notch + Twist |
that can evoke form,experience and interaction.
Research, inquiry and
practice as a systematic approach through operative terms.
Investigating the
'Spatial' its formal/experiential essence/action and character for
spatial opportunities.
The Feeling Of What
Body,emotion and the
making of consciousness
Antonio Damasio
The Architecture Of The
Jumping Universe
A Polemic
How Complexity Science
is Changing Architecture and Culture
Charles Jencks
V&A Contemporary,
Lucy Bullivant
to fold
to modulate
of tension
of entropy
Richard Serra, "Verb List Compilation: Actions to Relate to Oneself" [1967-1968]
to roll to crease to fold to store to bend to shorten to twist to dapple to crumple to shave to tear to chip to split to cut to sever to drop to remove to simplify to differ to disarrange to open to mix to splash to knot to spill to droop to flow to curve to lift to inlay to impress to fire to flood to smear to rotate to swirl to support to hook to suspend to spread to hang to collect of tension of gravity of entropy of nature of grouping of layering of felting to grasp to tighten to bundle to heap to gather to scatter to arrange to repair to discard to pair to distribute to surfeit to compliment to enclose to surround to encircle to hole to cover to wrap to dig to tie to bind to weave to join to match to laminate to bond to hinge to mark to expand to dilute to light to modulate to distill of waves of electromagnetic of inertia of ionization of polarization of refraction of tides of reflection of equilibrium of symmetry of friction to stretch to bounce to erase to spray to systematize to refer to force of mapping of location of context of time of cabonization to continue
to roll to crease to fold to store to bend to shorten to twist to dapple to crumple to shave to tear to chip to split to cut to sever to drop to remove to simplify to differ to disarrange to open to mix to splash to knot to spill to droop to flow to curve to lift to inlay to impress to fire to flood to smear to rotate to swirl to support to hook to suspend to spread to hang to collect of tension of gravity of entropy of nature of grouping of layering of felting to grasp to tighten to bundle to heap to gather to scatter to arrange to repair to discard to pair to distribute to surfeit to compliment to enclose to surround to encircle to hole to cover to wrap to dig to tie to bind to weave to join to match to laminate to bond to hinge to mark to expand to dilute to light to modulate to distill of waves of electromagnetic of inertia of ionization of polarization of refraction of tides of reflection of equilibrium of symmetry of friction to stretch to bounce to erase to spray to systematize to refer to force of mapping of location of context of time of cabonization to continue
to | Reflect | Expand
Reflect + Pack | Skew
Pack | Inflate
Pack + Stack | Branch
Stack | Bend
Array + Stack | Rotate
Array | Taper
Join + Array | Pinch
Join | Split
Poetics and Place
The Architectures Of Sign, Subjects and Site
Kristen Kreider
A Hut of One's Own
Texts,Annotations, Foundations, Pathways, Corridors, Bookmarks, Walking, Thinking, Ramble, Cross Country, Disciplines,
Writer as mapmaker, literature of the city and urban space, concepts of literary geography, cartographics and geocriticism.
Robert T. Tally Jr
A Catalogue of Spatial
to | Carve + Offset
Poli House : Pezo von
Offset program |
Perimeter Services | Thickened Openings
to | Embed + Branch
Villa 1 : Powerhouse
Branched Programs |
Volume Wrapper | Embedded Entry
to | Embed + Overlap
Casa para un Carpintero
: RCR Arquitectes
Overlapping Program |
Circulation Core | Embedded Entry
to | Expand + Nest
House N : Sou Fujimoto
Expanded Outer Volume |
Nested Private Program | Nested Living + Dining

Collage/Drawing Frame : Passages in Sculpture
to | Overlap + Expand

Collage/Drawing Frame : Passages in Sculpture
to | Overlap + Expand
House in Minamimachi 2
: Suppose Design Office
Overlapping Light Wells
| Stacked Program | Expanded Volumes
to | Bend + Shift
Nursing Home : Aires
Shifted Volumes | Bent
Massing | Embedded Massing
to | Embed + Taper
Leimondo Nursery School
: Archivision Hirotani Studio
Tapered Volumes |
Thickened Roof | Embedded Program
to | Lift + Carve
Gouveia Law Courts :
Barbosa and Guimaraes
Carved Massing | Lifted
Program | Carved Plinth
to | Lift + Extrude
Carabanchel Housing :
Dosmasuno Arquitectos
Extruded Living Spaces
| Lifted Massing | Carved Plinth
to | Overlap + Rotate
Ironbank : RTA Studio
Rotated Volumes |
Stacked Utility and Circulation Cores | Plinth and Street Facade
Anthony Di Mari
Nore Yoo
Volumetric Spatial Operations/Agents/Variations/Combinations
Colour/Making Space : Passages in Sculpture/Architectural Glass
Colour/Making Space : Passages in Sculpture/Architectural Glass
Mesh Topologies : Pattern and Chaos
Speculative Narratives 12
DSC_0018 Spatial/Visual Apparatus
Spatiality : Space over Time
DSC_0476 Spatial/Architectural Drawing
DSC_0476 Spatial/Architectural Drawing
Reading Collage : Spatial Drawings/Documents/Analogue Photography
Speculative Narratives 8
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