Tuesday, 25 July 2023

The Mechanism/Sequence of Allure : Colour/The Sensual Object.

Because the faculty of sight is continuous, because visual categories (red, yellow, dark, thick, thin,) remain constant, and because so many things appear to remain in place, one tends to forget that the visual is always the result of an unrepeatable, momentary encounter. Appearances, at any given moment, are a construction emerging from the debris of everything which has previously appeared.

John Berger, Berger On Drawing.

Art and Ontography.

Open Philosophy.

Remonstrating on art's openings, their natural theatricality, and on the truthful deceptiveness of all revelations of the real.

Simon Weir, Object-Oriented Ontology and Its Critics. 2020

Revelations : Filtered Light : Visual Contiguities


the sequential occurrence or proximity of stimulus and response, causing their association in the mind:

"contiguity is necessary in all forms of learning"


Revelations as a truthful deceptiveness.

Art and Ontology.

An Infra-Realist Ontographic Art Object.

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