Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Sketch Books/Strange Loops : Drawings, Materials, Annotations, Collages and Constructions 2018-20


Agency through sketchbooks

Apokatastasis : Jim Jarmusch, Jozef Van Wissem

Spatial Asperity/Mesh, Membrane and Gauze

Drawing and its attempts to map out/make visible contingent things

Contingency, is what remains, as it comes up against causality/constantly passing through

Objects/Things conceptualized by the exploration of drawing (intervals of blindness)

Linking Surface to the Aesthetic Experience of Space.

Experiences incorporating interests with environmental textures into Art.

Points of Contact/Confluence of Circumstances

Materials bound by contact/canvas

Patina, absences, gesso, textile wrappings, field chalk, exhumed oyster shells, yellow ochre,

A philosophy of Reading

Solitude/Libraries : Cell/Court/Domain

Clay, Waxed Surface, Liquid Rust, Calico,

Sensate Bandages/Windings/Armatures : Corporeal Landscapes/Assemblages/Things

Social Architectures/Anthropologies/Imaginary Projects

Timothy Morton : Realist Magic

The elasticity of sensation, affective and wonderous

Sally Mann : Matter Lent/Collodion wetplate negatives

Corpus, liquid light, flesh, spirit, trace, outline, human body, performative,

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Sunday, 25 July 2021

Composite Bodies in Spaces : Drawing into the contemporary sociological imagination

Drawing into the contemporary sociological imagination

Intermezzo : Nomadic Photographic Assemblage

a thousand plateaus
Deleuze, Guattari

Body Without Organs
Smooth Space
War Machine


The Uberficiation of the University

The Sharing Economy
Platform Capitalism
The Reputation Economy
The Microentrepreneur of the Self
The Para-academic
The Artrepreneur
Affirmative Disruption

A fascinating short book by Gary Hall, available open access at the Coventry University repository:

img20161120_17325939 Photographic Forms

Drawing figure/ground, documentation of work in progress.

Life "drawing" trace on paper with water and field chalk. Work submitted to Interfaith Group Show at the Link Gallery, Winchester 2010.

"This particular event invokes for me the notion of simple material relations and collaborative gestures that underpin human agency.
Art space/practice can promote these working intimations that enter into the realm of beliefs."        

Artist's Statement (archive)  07.12.2009.

Camera Obscura : Kilquhanity 2011. #4
Dark Session's : Shadowy speculations in the pottery. Kilquhanity 2011

Silver gelatin prints from a "room obscura" set up at Kilquhanity, Scotland 2011 as part of "Back to Free school, Drawing out the Archive"

Sequential Photograph : In the space around the "spatial turn" (539)
Art as Spatial Practice.
Space folds : Containing "Spatialities around historicality and sociality"

"All that is solid melts into air"

Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels,
(Poetic observation concerning the constant revolutionizing of social conditions)

Perceptions now gathering at the end of the millennium. Spatiality, Robert T. Tally Jr. 2013


PB144997a : Mapping.

Bento's Sketchbook : John Berger

The human  body  {corpus humanum) is composed  of many individuals (of different nature),  each  one of which  is highly composite.

The  individuals  of  which  the  human  body  is  composed  are some fluid, some soft and some hard.

The individuals composing  the human  body,  and  conse­quently  the human  body  itself is affected  in  many  ways by external bodies.

The human body needs for its preservation many other bodies from which it is, so to speak, continually regenerated.

When a fluid part of the human body is so determined by an external body that it impinges frequently on another part which is soft, it changes its surface and as it were imprints on it the traces of the external impelling body.

The  human  body  can  move  external  bodies  in  many  ways, and dispose them in many ways.

The human mind is apt for perceiving many things, and more so according as its body can be disposed in more ways.

{Ethics, Part II, Postulates I-VI, Proposition XIV)

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Thursday, 22 July 2021

Opening Collages : Ambiguous Borders

Curatorial Practices
The Alchemy of Building
Collages/Inclusions : Creative Ecologies

Yvonne Buchheim
Wish you were here to trip up memory lane. Belfast 2000

Alberto Perez-Gomez
or The Dark forest Revisited
An Erotic Epiphany of Architecture

Robert Mangold

Sarah Purvey
Landscape Series, Rhythm. 2012
Crank vessel with slips

Robert Macfarlane
The Old Ways
A Journey On Foot

Kengo Kuma
Transparent Pavilion

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