Speculative Learning Environment : Russell Moreton.
Re- Imagining Education, Brockwood Park School.
The working of matters and the exteriority of their relations. Assemblages/The Book/Deleuze and Guatarri.
Friday, 29 October 2021
Hidden Curriculum #2
Thursday, 28 October 2021
Working Towards a Secular Retreat in the Landscape.
Tuesday, 26 October 2021
Sociological Organisation/Groups : Theoretical Propositions/Transactive Memory
Theoretical Propositions (Groups) around The Abbey
Collage and Life Drawings
Transactive Memory Development in Virtual Teams
There is no theoretical requirement that groups exist only in face-to-face environments. In fact, McGrath's definition of a group - an entity that interacts, is interdependent, mutually aware, with a past and an anticipated future (McGrath, J.E. Groups: Interact and Performance.1984 :6) - makes no mention of the form that interaction must take.
Information Processing and Performance in Traditional and Virtual Teams
The Role of Transactive Memory
Terri Griffith, Margaret A. Neale,
DSC_0010 Reading Room : Collage/Waverley Abbey
DSC_3153 Life Drawing
DSC_3157 Life Drawing
DSC_3148 Life Drawing

Collage and Life Drawings
Transactive Memory Development in Virtual Teams
There is no theoretical requirement that groups exist only in face-to-face environments. In fact, McGrath's definition of a group - an entity that interacts, is interdependent, mutually aware, with a past and an anticipated future (McGrath, J.E. Groups: Interact and Performance.1984 :6) - makes no mention of the form that interaction must take.
Information Processing and Performance in Traditional and Virtual Teams
The Role of Transactive Memory
Terri Griffith, Margaret A. Neale,
DSC_0010 Reading Room : Collage/Waverley Abbey
DSC_3153 Life Drawing
DSC_3157 Life Drawing
DSC_3148 Life Drawing

#russell moreton,
#spatial practice,
human body,
life drawing,
Tim Ingold,
Monday, 25 October 2021
Mapping Under The Dome : Dark Tones/Alternative Photography
Darkness is a better form of freedom
Therese Oulton, in conversation, January 2013
Women In Dark Times
Jacqueline Rose
Jozef Van Wissem & Jim Jarmusch
The Mystery of Heaven
Sacred Bones Records. 2012
Everyone Stands Under His Own Dome of Heaven 1970
'Each man has his own dome, his own perceptions, his own theories. There is no one god for all'
Anselm Kiefer
In paintings of often stunning luminosity, Therese Oulton manages to paint us into the darkest spaces of our times.
A form of experience permanently menaced by itself.
Jacqueline Rose

Therese Oulton, in conversation, January 2013
Women In Dark Times
Jacqueline Rose
Jozef Van Wissem & Jim Jarmusch
The Mystery of Heaven
Sacred Bones Records. 2012
Everyone Stands Under His Own Dome of Heaven 1970
'Each man has his own dome, his own perceptions, his own theories. There is no one god for all'
Anselm Kiefer
In paintings of often stunning luminosity, Therese Oulton manages to paint us into the darkest spaces of our times.
A form of experience permanently menaced by itself.
Jacqueline Rose

Thursday, 21 October 2021
The Mirrored Abbey : The Photographic Aesthetics of Decay
The Custodians, Richard Cowper 1976.
Nothingness, Nostalgia and the Absence of Reason.
The Aesthetics of Decay, Dylan Trigg,
Humanity : An Emotional History
Stuart Walton. 2004

Wednesday, 20 October 2021
Visual Mappings : Working Collages for Sequences and Spaces
Extract from Peter
Zumthor, Hortus Conclusus 2011.
Directors’ Foreword:
Julia Peyton-Jones, Hans Ulrich Obrist.
architectural design practices consider each project in terms of a
comprehensive and encompassing sensory experience. Looking at more
than the physical fabric and form of the building, he often draws
inspiration from memories of childhood experience. His projects aim
to reference all aspects of sensory perception, addressing the
relationship between the human body and the ways it may interact
within the built environment. Many of Zumthor’s projects have been
specifically noted for their thoughtful and evocative play on scale,
colour, material and light in harmony with the buildings function and
surroundings. (Peyton-Jones 2011: 9)
Waverley Site
Hortus Conclusus
Sensing Spaces
Oculus Pavilion
Variegated and mutable
veiling of transparencies through sunlight and a gentle breeze.
Shadow (voids) and
Forms (layered movements)
Permeable membrane
(time passes through here)
The River (Jackie
Leven/Kenneth Patchen,The Skaters) a corporeal presence on loss,
memory/absence, subjectivity and flow.
Kengo Kuma. Complete
Works, Kenneth Frampton.
‘Our aim is to
create architecture that confronts and fuses with the earth.’
‘Architecture should not be cut off from the
ground like a building designed and transported to the site.’
‘anti-objective’ architecture is anti-perspectival in that it is
categorically anti-thetical to the subject/object split of the
occidental tradition.
‘The asymmetrical
projection of the Water/Glass volume, derived from the diagonal
platform of the Noh stage, makes it explicit that there is no single
ideal point from which this waterborne scene may be experienced.’
(Frampton, 2012:12)
Katsura Aesthetic.
Non Corporeal
Architecture ( 2001 A Space Odyssey, the final room with its
dematerialised phantom character of absence and voyeurism)
Japanese Vernacular,
Void/Ma space, Translucency, Sequence of Spaces,
Tuesday, 19 October 2021
Pastoral Space : Material, Inquiry and Craft
Material Agency : Carl Knappett, Lambros Malafouris
Visualising Environmental Agency
"Agents are defined as persons or things, which have the ability and intention to "cause" something "in the vicinity" or "in the mileau" to happen ( Gell 1998)"
"These latter artefacts are described with the term "index", to remove the appellation "art" and to imply that they are indexes of agency."
Some Stimulating Solutions, Andrew Cochrane.
Drawing intervention and speculative sculptural environment.
Speculative Learning Environment : Russell Moreton.
Re- Imagining Education, Brockwood Park School.
a thousand plateaus
Deleuze, Guattari
Body Without Organs
Smooth Space
War Machine

Visualising Environmental Agency
"Agents are defined as persons or things, which have the ability and intention to "cause" something "in the vicinity" or "in the mileau" to happen ( Gell 1998)"
"These latter artefacts are described with the term "index", to remove the appellation "art" and to imply that they are indexes of agency."
Some Stimulating Solutions, Andrew Cochrane.
Drawing intervention and speculative sculptural environment.
Speculative Learning Environment : Russell Moreton.
Re- Imagining Education, Brockwood Park School.
a thousand plateaus
Deleuze, Guattari
Body Without Organs
Smooth Space
War Machine

Sunday, 17 October 2021
Transactive Memory : INFORMATION/MOVEMENT differentiated/integrated
Research Outpost Norwich #1
Transactive Memory
Systems Virtual Teams
The Body
Minds and Metaphors
The Mind In The Cave
David Lewis-Williams
The Matter of The World
Minds and metaphors
Cathedrals of Intelligence
The 'Looking mind'
Information Processing and Performance in Traditional and Virtual Teams
The Role of Transactive Memory
Terri Griffith, Margaret A. Neale
Acquisition/Sharing of Implicit and Explicit Information
Organisations increasingly rely on teams to do much of the work traditionally accomplished by individuals.
Successful groups are those who are able to create synergies in the form of information aggregation and innovation that is beyond the ability of any single member.
Nascent Knowledge
Information Diversity
Task Conflict
The knowledge and perspectives of group members from the same social networks may be more redundant than diversified. However a total diversity among work group members is not desirable; some 'redundancy' (agreement in perspective) among group members is necessary to ensure enough common ground to facilitate successful group interaction.
Transactive Memory : Knowing and Accessing What We Know
For teams to have synergy they must be able to access their information, it is important to know who does what.
Wegner 1987; 1995)
Synchronous/ Asynchronous
Transactive Memory : A Contemporary Analysis of the Group Mind
Daniel M. Wegner
The study of transactive memory is concerned with the prediction of group (and individual) behaviour through an understanding of the manner in which groups process and structure information.
Individual Memory
Information is entered into memory at the encoding stage, it resides in memory during a storage stage, and is bought back during the retrieval stage.
Organisation : differentiated/integrated
Dick McCaw
Rudolf Laban (1879-1958) was a pioneer in dance and movement, who found a extraordinary range of application for his ideas; from industry to drama, education to therapy. Laban believed that you can understand about human beings by observing how they move, and devised two complimentary methods of notating the shape and quality of movements.
Diagram : Three Planes of Movement from Choreography
Inner and Outer Tension : Inner and Outer Form
CHOREUTICS : Principles of Dynamic Space and Movement
Choreutics presents the grammar and syntax of spatial form in movement and the nature of movement's harmonic content.
Exertion of Power, Physical or/and Mental
SPACE Flexible/Direct
WEIGHT Light/Strong
TIME Sustained/Quick
FLOW Free/Bound
Shadow Moves
An acute observer of Shadow Movement of a person in different situations and at different times will show the consistency of that individual's basic attitude and personality.
Effort and Recovery
Movement Psychology

Transactive Memory
Systems Virtual Teams
The Body
Minds and Metaphors
The Mind In The Cave
David Lewis-Williams
The Matter of The World
Minds and metaphors
Cathedrals of Intelligence
The 'Looking mind'
Information Processing and Performance in Traditional and Virtual Teams
The Role of Transactive Memory
Terri Griffith, Margaret A. Neale
Acquisition/Sharing of Implicit and Explicit Information
Organisations increasingly rely on teams to do much of the work traditionally accomplished by individuals.
Successful groups are those who are able to create synergies in the form of information aggregation and innovation that is beyond the ability of any single member.
Nascent Knowledge
Information Diversity
Task Conflict
The knowledge and perspectives of group members from the same social networks may be more redundant than diversified. However a total diversity among work group members is not desirable; some 'redundancy' (agreement in perspective) among group members is necessary to ensure enough common ground to facilitate successful group interaction.
Transactive Memory : Knowing and Accessing What We Know
For teams to have synergy they must be able to access their information, it is important to know who does what.
Wegner 1987; 1995)
Synchronous/ Asynchronous
Transactive Memory : A Contemporary Analysis of the Group Mind
Daniel M. Wegner
The study of transactive memory is concerned with the prediction of group (and individual) behaviour through an understanding of the manner in which groups process and structure information.
Individual Memory
Information is entered into memory at the encoding stage, it resides in memory during a storage stage, and is bought back during the retrieval stage.
Organisation : differentiated/integrated
Dick McCaw
Rudolf Laban (1879-1958) was a pioneer in dance and movement, who found a extraordinary range of application for his ideas; from industry to drama, education to therapy. Laban believed that you can understand about human beings by observing how they move, and devised two complimentary methods of notating the shape and quality of movements.
Diagram : Three Planes of Movement from Choreography
Inner and Outer Tension : Inner and Outer Form
CHOREUTICS : Principles of Dynamic Space and Movement
Choreutics presents the grammar and syntax of spatial form in movement and the nature of movement's harmonic content.
Exertion of Power, Physical or/and Mental
SPACE Flexible/Direct
WEIGHT Light/Strong
TIME Sustained/Quick
FLOW Free/Bound
Shadow Moves
An acute observer of Shadow Movement of a person in different situations and at different times will show the consistency of that individual's basic attitude and personality.
Effort and Recovery
Movement Psychology

Friday, 15 October 2021
Visibility Reconceived : Haptic Vision/Subjective Possibilities, blueprints, paintings, collage.
Study Space : Outpost Studios
The Event Of Life Drawing
Haptic Vision
Mattering : Mind-Movement-Material
In and Out of Material. Tony Cragg
Becoming a subject in wonder. Lone Bertelsen
Francesca Woodman's photographs can help us develop a photo-thought that does not conceive of the photograph as a passive “representative image” but as a creative force that can participate in the production of new subjectivities.
Chaosmosis. Guattari. 1995
What moves as a body.
Returns as a movement of thought.
Relationscapes : Movement-Art-Philosophy. Erin Manning.
When we see a male figure on a pedestal, we ask “who is it?”
while a female figure prompts the question “what does it represent?”
Monuments and Maidens : The Allegory of the Female Form. Marina Warner. 1985
Deleuzian accounts of drawing
Sex and gender in Life Drawing
Francesca Woodman : Whirling/Wonder
Equivalence and an intimate mode of noticing details
Manuel Neri : Female/Other (glorified and brutalized)
Ambivalence within hostile intimate relationships/materials
The primacy of drawing, artists and anatomy. Petherbridge.
Cultural Anatomy
The Naked and Nude Posed
Mirror, Fiona Banner. 2007
Modelling Subjectivities
Life Drawing
Popular Culture
Contemporary Art Education
Manuel Neri
The Figure Drawings
Life Drawing
A Body Of Relations
Spatial Apparatuses/Screens and Easels
Painting and drawing the nude : a search for a realism for the body through phenomenology and fine art practice
K Wallis, 2003. PhD thesis
Thursday, 14 October 2021
ANTHROPOLOGY/LANDSCAPE : Urban Materiality/Movement and Relationscapes
Research Outpost Norwich #2
Movement, Art, Philosophy
Erin Manning
Prelude : What moves as a body returns as a movement of thought
Something in the world forces us to think. This something is not an object of recognition, but a fundamental encounter.
Gilles Deleuze, Difference and Repetition
Christoper Tilley, Kate Cameron-Daum
From our perspective in this book representations of landscape, textual or pictorial, are of secondary significance and we should treat them as such; they are selective and partial, and often highly ideological, ways of seeing and knowing.
It forms a material medium in which we dwell and move and think.
Redirecting the study of landscape from representation to the materially grounded messiness of everyday life and the minutiae of material practices that constitute it.
Landscapes are contested, untidy and messy, tensioned, always in the making. Our landscapes of modernity are frequently on the move and peopled by diasporas and migrants of identity, people making homes in new places.
Field Observations
Spatial relations within the landscape are complex.
The manner in which persons and their bodies cannot be understood apart from the landscapes of which they are a part, reciprocally involved in forms of movement, action, awareness and social memory.
Embodied Identities
Art in and from the landscape
Fragile Environments : Nature and Culture
On Ways of Walking and Making Art
A personal reflection
M Collier
Making art is a practical application of phenomenology
Engaging with an embodied experience of space and depth (what Merleau-Ponty called the 'flesh of the world').
Journeys Around An Exhibition
Landscape and Memory
Essays and Illuminations
Edited by Jon Cook

Movement, Art, Philosophy
Erin Manning
Prelude : What moves as a body returns as a movement of thought
Something in the world forces us to think. This something is not an object of recognition, but a fundamental encounter.
Gilles Deleuze, Difference and Repetition
Christoper Tilley, Kate Cameron-Daum
From our perspective in this book representations of landscape, textual or pictorial, are of secondary significance and we should treat them as such; they are selective and partial, and often highly ideological, ways of seeing and knowing.
It forms a material medium in which we dwell and move and think.
Redirecting the study of landscape from representation to the materially grounded messiness of everyday life and the minutiae of material practices that constitute it.
Landscapes are contested, untidy and messy, tensioned, always in the making. Our landscapes of modernity are frequently on the move and peopled by diasporas and migrants of identity, people making homes in new places.
Field Observations
Spatial relations within the landscape are complex.
The manner in which persons and their bodies cannot be understood apart from the landscapes of which they are a part, reciprocally involved in forms of movement, action, awareness and social memory.
Embodied Identities
Art in and from the landscape
Fragile Environments : Nature and Culture
On Ways of Walking and Making Art
A personal reflection
M Collier
Making art is a practical application of phenomenology
Engaging with an embodied experience of space and depth (what Merleau-Ponty called the 'flesh of the world').
Journeys Around An Exhibition
Landscape and Memory
Essays and Illuminations
Edited by Jon Cook

Wednesday, 13 October 2021
Cyanotype Drawings : Works on paper
Terrestrial Movements : #2 Solar Spore.
Drawing and Assemblage : Cyanotype process on watercolour paper with lead profiles.
Aerial Composition (movements inside the Cathedral) : Cyanotype and Sunlight.
P3228227a : Engineering Blueprint on Watercolour Paper.
Drawing and Assemblage : Cyanotype process on watercolour paper with lead profiles.
Aerial Composition (movements inside the Cathedral) : Cyanotype and Sunlight.
P3228227a : Engineering Blueprint on Watercolour Paper.
Tuesday, 12 October 2021
Experimental Vision : Research Collage #1
Body, Personal Relations, and Spatial Values.
Composition, Concept, Object.
Space is an abstract term for a complex set of ideas.
The photogram is the immediate result of a constellation of light, three-dimensional object and photosensitive material.
Experimental Vision
Flouris M. Neusus
Work in the light laboratory was a standard part of the curriculum.
The photogram became a functional element of a personal time curve, allowing the artist to continually endeavour to see or put phenomena into new relations.
Moholy-Nagy and the Chicago Bauhaus
Thomas Barrow
Garry Fabian Miller
The Majesty of Darkness
Adam Nicolson
The Unmade
The Pregnant
The Half Erotically Unmade
ADYNATA- Time's Colour, impossible Beauty
Marina Warner
Nigel Warburton
David Alan Mellor
Garry Fabian Miller
Trace and Trait
Karl Blossfeldt

Monday, 11 October 2021
Deconstruction of The Photographic/Unfinished Becomings : Research Collage #2
Blue Folder/Contents and Contexts of Interpretation
Texts, images, taxonomies, books, maps, characters
The Birth of Photography
The Experimental Period 1829-55
View from the Window at Le Gras (1826-27)
Nicephore Niepce
Library Window, Lacock Abbey (1835)
William Henry Fox Talbot
Sir John Herschel (1839), reveals that sodium thiosulfate can permanently 'fix' a photographic image
Photography and The Modern
Experimentation and Abstraction
Cut with the Kitchen Knife 1920 Hannah Hoch
The Constructor (Self Portrait) 1924 El Lissitzky
Avant-Garde Photography In The Weimar Republic
From the Radio Tower, Berlin 1928 Laszlo Moholy-Nagy
Photography Deconstructed
From Postmodernism to Globalization 1977-Present
I Am Not This Body
Barbara Ess
Reality requires a perceiver who has memories, thoughts, desires, emotions and beliefs that intersect with the phenomenal world.
The archaic immediacy of the pin-hole camera,
The Truth and The Grotesque, ambiguous perceptual boundaries between people, between the self and not self, between in here and out there.
Life Is Subjective
Reality includes a perceiver through whom experience is filtered.
The Physical reality of the world is recognised as/by its shadow within the mind, its negative then inverted entities that both exist simultaneously and emanate from the same phenomenological origin.
Floris Neususs
The size of Photograms is one of the sources of their particular power : they always portray subjects to scale, unlike photography, in which the size of the image is arbitrary, and most usually depends on the size of the print, rather than the object that has been photographed.
Nudogram of Pregnant Woman 1967
Silver Gelatin Print, 190x64.5cm
Whole body photograms can communicate intimacy, but in another sense they can create detachment.
V&A London 2010-11
Sunday, 10 October 2021
The Momentum of Things, becomes self sustaining
TWILIGHT : Photography in the Magic Hour.
Martin Barnes, Kate Best.
One needs infinitely distant sentences that one barely understands, as a mainstay over the millennia.
The Human Province, Elias Canetti.
The Momentum of Things, becomes self sustaining.
Untitled 1983/84, Bill Henson.
Collage, photocopies, mesh, text, non spaces.
Drawing, tissue paper, tape, body outline with astronomical data on paper.
Andover Installation : October at the Chapel.

Martin Barnes, Kate Best.
One needs infinitely distant sentences that one barely understands, as a mainstay over the millennia.
The Human Province, Elias Canetti.
The Momentum of Things, becomes self sustaining.
Untitled 1983/84, Bill Henson.
Collage, photocopies, mesh, text, non spaces.
Drawing, tissue paper, tape, body outline with astronomical data on paper.
Andover Installation : October at the Chapel.

Saturday, 9 October 2021
Inscriptions/Undoings of Birth/Becoming : Ambiguities of figure/ground, subject and world. Photographic Drawings #4
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