The working of matters and the exteriority of their relations. Assemblages/The Book/Deleuze and Guatarri.
Saturday, 30 June 2012
Thursday, 28 June 2012
Photograph (206)a
Life as Interdemendancy : The Human and Nature
Collage based around photographic material gathered from the natural world and events happening within the artist's own biographical proximity ( imminent birth of a second child ).
Light left behind : Cornwall in June.
Postcard with a photogram created with the cyanotype process, a visual poem gathered from the garden of a loved one.
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
Surface of processes, an underpinned figure and ground.
A once performative outline that now gathers up the human form for "reflection" with raw materials gathered from a Jurassic coastline.
Sunday, 24 June 2012
Human Filament 2010
Human form on lightweight Chinese paper, cyanotype process with photograms of threads and stones. Outline and interior networks mapped in ink.
Drawing formed the structure of this painting made from "hands" with cyanotype,paint,pencil and found objects.
Saturday, 23 June 2012
The human drawn amongst residues, equations filled with unknowns.
Friday, 22 June 2012
Unresolved #4. Movement and Chora 2011 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Cyanotype trace drawing and painting , derived from an initial on-site exploration of a social gathering " Space for Peace, Winchester Cathedral 2011".
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Saatchi Online Artist: Russell Moreton; Watercolor, 2012, Painting "Littoral Zones"
Hybrid print and painting using the cyanotype process.
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Auguries into the maternal body. Un-fired clay and silica sand 2011
Auguries into the maternal body. Un-fired clay and silica sand 2011, a photo by Russell Moreton on Flickr.
Constructed in-situ at the Yard,Winchester. A life-size record and memory of a human presence as a site for mutual introspection. Inspired in part from the novel " The Children of Men " by P D James.
Monday, 18 June 2012
Luminosity through Absence : Natural Phenomena
Sunday, 17 June 2012
Occurrences,consciousness, body and space.
Drawing with body trace (detail), tissue paper with gummed tape,pencilwith red ink and beach pebbles on paper.
Velocity of the Visual : Fenced Building/Hole in the ground
Thursday, 14 June 2012
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Link Gallery Winchester 2009
Chalk figure,human body with local materials.
Artist Statement, re proposal for “Strong Voices”. Hyde 900 2010
It is my intension to utilise the ambiguous and strangely intimate nature of a continuous line around a human being to act as a site for the viewer to inhabit an engagement with the work. I am interested in utilizing the “open space” the territory within the traced outline as a sort of vessel for the temporary thoughts and reflections of others. This space hopes to set up a condition, a place that allows a dispassionate observer or thinker time to find and form their own thoughts. The use of material residues left from enactments seems to concur a metaphysical presence to that of the inner trace. The use of simple materiality (clay, chalk, rust) invokes a notion of a shared simple relation, to the human form; these sensibilities are reflected in artists like Giuseppe Penone and other Arte Povera artists. The use of light sensitive materials, liquid light and cyanotype brings the representation of worlds into proximity of a human absence. Photographic processes also bring with them a surface of compressed and superimposed time, an event through which time has left behind, like the trace we are left thinking and reflecting a loss that creates equilibrium in the present. To add a presence of temporality and nowness, water vapour has been sprayed onto the chalk creating moisture a breath around absences.
Russell Moreton
Monday, 11 June 2012
Research Collage : 10 June 2012.
Collage marking visually current research interests and intersections amongst some of the accumulated materials of the practice.
Collage, stamps and non-spaces
Collage based around the architectural and the temporal, of non spaces within architecture and the library stamp.
Sunday, 10 June 2012
Studio rotating partition with drawing frame 2010
Wall in studio space at the "Yard, Winchester". Drawing frame, with cyanotype drawings.
Friday, 8 June 2012
Drawings for Architectural Glass
Movement in Blue : Act 7 Finale
Seven "acts" around a simple gesture " the unmade daisy chain" recorded through the cyanotype process.
Thursday, 7 June 2012
Layered drawing (detail) 2010
Drawing on paper with fragile tissue paper layers and a human form with astronomical data from a star atlas, approximate size 150x240cms.
"the unmade daisy chain"
Concrete and Space 2012
Collage: Diversions, Contradictions and Anomalies.
Collage's integral methods of discordance and displacement have so insistently reflected turbulent developments in twentieth century art, science and geopolitics that our response might be to categorise the whole genre as iconoclasm or subversive fantasy.
Sally O'Reilly
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
Darkroom processing,safe light, the reclamation of the latent image.The deposition of silver.
Darkroom processing,safe light, the reclamation of the latent image.The deposition of silver., a photo by Russell Moreton on Flickr.
Photography : The deposition of silver into the language of the image.
Creative Thinking Space.......
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
Collage 2011, reflective of spatial practices
Collage from material sourced during the working intervention "Superimposure and Adaptation of a Workspace" hosted in the reception area of UCA Canterbury.
Monday, 4 June 2012
Fingal's Cave, Staffa. Walking on black stone.
Fingal's Cave, Staffa. Walking on black stone.
In Defence of Sensuality : John Cowper Powys 1930.
The author feels that perhaps some explanation is due to the reader for the rather unusual employment of the word "Sensuality" which serves as the title of this work. The advantage given to the author by the use of this particular expression is that it enables him to proceed from rock-bottom upwards as far as he likes. A more refined title would have cut him off, in his method of developing his idea, from the physical roots of existence; for while it is easy to indicate the overtones and undertones of Sensuality it would be hard to bring a gentle, vague word, like the word "sensuousness" down to the bare, stark, stoically-stripped Life-Sensation which is the subject of this book.
Dedicated to the memory of that great
and much-abused man
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Saturday, 2 June 2012
Immateriality in the "process" : Working in the Granary.
Digital image of studio space with work in progress (Panspermia).
Space for Peace (viola and flute) 2012.
Pierced drawing marking the placement and movement of people during the "Space for Peace" event hosted in Winchester Cathedral.
Embodiment in clay and space.
Clay sculpture awaiting plaster waste mould, re-cast in reinforced concrete.